
What is the price for creating a mobile application?

The price for creating a mobile application varies from 5000 to 80000 euros. However, these are only approximate figures. Indeed, the cost of developing this type of tool depends on various factors. However, we are going to enlighten you with all the information you need to define your budget.

If you typed”How much does it cost To do A mobile application”, is that you will certainly create some. So, know that the price is based on the type of mobile application you want to develop. It also depends on the programming methods as well as the technologies used for development. We must not forget the functionalities of the app; its complexity and the professionals who will take care of the design.

What factors affect the cost of a mobile application?

It is difficult to give exact figures for the mobile application development rate. First, you need to know the various factors that affect this price.

However, before we get into the details, here is a price range you should be interested in.

  • A basic version, which is therefore quite simple, costs between 5,000 and 40,000 euros.
  • A slightly more complex mobile application costs between 35,000 and 60,000 euros.
  • A more complex mobile app can up to 150,000 euros.

The cost is defined according to the type of mobile app

The rate Of development of a mobile application depends primarily on its type. For starters, there are public applications And private applications. Public platforms are those that can be downloaded from stores, including App Stores, iTunes, and Google Play. As for private apps, they are digital tools created for the specific needs of a particular company. In addition, they are also called business applications.

Then there is Native applications and hybrid applications. Native means that we developed the platform specially for an operating system: iOS or Android for example. In other words, a native application cannot be installed and run on other platforms. For the development of a native app, developers generally use languages and programming such as Java and Swift depending on the operating system.

As for hybrid applications, they are apps designed with JS and HTML5. These types of platforms are distinguished by the fact that they load via application servers. IT development professionals do not recommend this type of platform. Although cheaper and cross-platform, a hybrid application often has bugs and flaws.

The development rate depends on the design method

The programming method used also influences the cost of developing a mobile application. This can be done in a classic way with manual coding or with the help of app builders through no code.

The first development system is programming by Writing line of code. The work is manual and each element that makes up the application is written using a programming language. For example, the developer uses Java to develop an Android app and for iOS, they can use Objective-C. A perfect method for designing a custom tool, but time consuming and expensive.

You can save money on development cost of a mobile application with no-code technologies. Creating software for mobile devices is now possible without writing code. Development is done using creation platforms like Bubble, Flutterflow, Airtable, Adalo, etc. Turning to these methods saves both time and money.

The functionalities of the digital tool and its complexity

The price of a mobile application also depends on its functionalities and its complexity. When it comes to complex software, it's not just about its various features. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of the design, the visual effects and the backend structure of the digital tool.

The various functionalities that can impact the cost of developing a mobile application

Some features make the design of a mobile app more complex and that increases the price.

  • The functions that allow the role management as well as user interactions.
  • Account management features, social interactions, and external data integrations.
  • The integration of functions for trade also makes the job more complex. These can be functions for synchronizing the store to external management, order tracking or even payment.
  • The integration of location services
  • Features that need access to items on the Smartphone. This requires the use of specific APIs, so more work for developers.

If you are considering creating a mobile application with any of these features, then know that the budget will be a bit higher. That is the reason why it is appropriate to reflect on your real needs before drawing up a plan and drafting the terms of reference.

The service provider who does the work

The application development rate also relies on the professionals who will ensure the work. The service will not be the same for a freelancer or an independent developer and a web development agency.

Naturally, the price of a freelancer is more affordable and communication can be more fluid. However, it is important to remember that an independent professional may be limited in terms of expertise.

A few tips for evaluating the price of a mobile application

To know How much does a mobile application cost, you can start by drawing up the specifications. Trace the different stages of your project: what is your objective in creating the digital tool and what will be the functionalities to be integrated? Then, all you have to do is ask a web development agency or an independent developer for a quote directly.

Evaluate the price with the different types of project management

If not, you should know that the project management comes in two systems. There is the Package method And the other one is The agile method.

If you want to benefit from greater flexibility, consider choosing the agile method. Today, the majority of agencies choose this approach. Using this method, the project manager carries out a detailed analysis of the various stages of development. He divides them into “sprints.”

By sprints we mean the different stages of creation with specific goals. In this way, we can ensure better organization of tasks and respect deadlines. Thanks to his experiences and know-how, the project manager defines the duration of sprints, the number of developers as well as the duration of development by sprints. With this method, he can define exactly the costs and the deadline for creating the mobile application.

What can we do to reduce the cost of creating a mobile application?.

If you are an entrepreneur planning to develop a mobile app, here are some tips to avoid too much expense during development. For a business, having a mobile application greatly optimizes performance.

The creation of a minimum viable product or MVP

The creation of an MVP or minimum viable product is a way to limit the cost of a mobile application. How? With a minimum viable product, the product is not finished, but it is functional and has a few advantages. The publication of an MVP allows you to get feedback from users in advance. It is also the best way to test the application. Eventually, if the minimum viable product works well, you can already take advantage of it.

In addition, your customers will also be able to offer the functionalities that are really useful to them corresponding to their needs. In an MVP, you can be content with simplicity in terms of design and even functionality.

Quality monitoring from the start of the project

For reduce the development price of a mobile application, it is also necessary to ensure the quality of the product from the first design stage. Indeed, during the creation phase, the digital tool always encounters bugs. It is more advantageous to correct them gradually to guarantee the quality of the mobile application.

It is also appropriate to resolve the various errors or incompatibilities each time to prevent them from piling up. While this presents risks of slowing down the development phase, this method nevertheless makes it possible to save money.

Choosing an agency for the development of the application

For save on the cost of creation of a mobile application, it is preferable to working with an agency. Certainly, compared to the rate of a freelancer, the price of a specialized agency may seem more expensive, however, for the design of a mobile app, it is the best solution. Hiring an independent developer can become a lot more expensive in the long run.

A web development agency usually offers interesting offers. In addition, it consists of a complete team, front-end and backend specialists. We must not forget the designer who ensures the creation of a design that guarantees a smooth user experience. In other words, an agency is more secure if you are looking for better results.

The monetization of the mobile application

Even if the cost of the mobile application goes up to 150,000 euros, you can reduce this expense in monetizing the product. There are various ways to make this type of digital tool profitable.

  • Integrate ads and advertisements in the mobile application. However, avoid overwhelming users too much.
  • Develop A mobile application useful and interesting, Paid.

To be able to monetize the mobile application, make sure that it is of high quality. If users really need it and if they can't do without it anymore, then the development cost will be just a detail.

In conclusion,

The cost of developing a mobile application Start to 5,000 euros and can go up to 150,000 euros. Whether it is a specific business tool for a particular company or for a platform to be offered on stores, a mobile app is essential today. With mobile devices, smartphones and tablets, we always need a good application.

While there are many factors that impact the price of a mobile app, there are ways to reduce costs. So, be sure to find the best application idea, to guarantee its quality and to offer it to users. You are sure to make more money than you spent on its development. A mobile app creation project? Scalapp is there to support you. In addition, we offer quality services and products at an unbeatable price!

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