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App Formation - the application for training courses

01. The Project

Training application where the administrator invites employees to take training as soon as they join the company and includes links to training videos, as well as a MCQ to confirm the knowledge acquired.

02. The Solution

Here are the key criteria that this application should contain:

  • User Management: Allow the administrator to invite and manage collaborators, by creating profiles, assigning training courses, and monitoring their progress.
  • Training catalog: Offer a library of available courses with detailed descriptions, learning objectives
  • Progress monitoring: Allow employees and the administrator to monitor the progress of each training course, including the percentage of completion.
  • Access to training videos: Integrate links to training videos, tutorials, or online courses directly into the application.
  • MCQs and evaluations: After each training, offer quizzes or multiple choice questions to assess the knowledge acquired. Employees should receive instant results.

03. To go further

The Training App: For competent and productive employees

The Training App is intended to solve the organizational difficulty concerning training courses. We all know that, regardless of the sector of activity, training is essential to sharpen the skills and know-how of an employee. Indeed, customers have expectations. They expect the employees of the partner company to have the skills they need to complete the mission successfully.

Easy sharing of each training

Thanks to this software, the administrator can offer training libraries. This can be in the form of documents or in video format. Thus, the manager gives detailed descriptions so that the employee easily understands. The learning objectives are also included. All this in particular avoids meetings every time employees need to train. In addition, even if there are ten agents and ten different training courses, all the trainer needs to do is create a suitable profile for each staff concerned in the Training App.

Better progress monitoring

You might think that training without a meeting wouldn't be effective. In fact, with this tool, follow-up is instant. Moreover, the trainer and the learners remain in contact for any request for explanation. All via the Training App. However, it is important to note that this is custom software and that the company requested that it be linked to its other business applications. That's what the Scalapp team did because for us, only the customer has the last word. Thus, this training application is linked to the company's Client App and Agent App.

Access to training videos for greater efficiency

Among other things, the Training App allows access to training videos, educational software and online courses. Remember that watching and listening at the same time is still more effective in terms of learning.

And the evaluations?

What would training be without evaluations to measure agent assimilation? Well, there is also the evaluation part where we find the tests in the form of quizzes or multiple choice questions after each finished section. Although this training management tool was created for a particular business, it is very suitable for other companies in any industry.

Imagine, you, as an administrator or trainer, staying in your office and each employee at their workstation! Both practical and pragmatic, isn't it? It should be noted that we created the Training App with the no code Bubble tool.

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